Categories: Holy Land

Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi in the Holy Land: Who are we?

By Silvia Holgado

The mission of the consecrated women of Regnum Christi has been present in the Holy Land for 20 years. During this time, women from different continents and cultures have been part of the community, all united by the same following of Christ and an apostolic dedication to the service of pilgrims and the local community.

Currently, there are 7 consecrated women living in the Holy Land from 6 different countries; a variety that enriches our fraternal life and dialogue with the cultures present in this region of the world.

In addition, for some years now, we have been present both in Galilee, the region of Christ’s proclamation and preaching, and in Jerusalem, the holy city, witness to the consummation of Our Lord’s mission.

Now we share a brief approach to each of us:

Headquarters in Galilee:

Alessandra Soldati: Italian, 28 years of consecration in the RC. She was part of the first community that arrived 20 years ago, and although of these 20 years she spent 3 in the apostolate in Italy, she always said that her heart was still in the Holy Land. She is dedicated to welcoming groups of pilgrims in the “Duc in Altum” Church (“Put out into the deep” –Luke 5:4), at the Magdala Center, coordinating the celebrations, the volunteers and the different cultural activities that take place in that sanctuary.

Celine Kelly: Irish. Celine will celebrate her “golden anniversary” in consecrated life next year. In her day to day, she brings the Gospel to life by accompanying the pilgrims who visit Magdala, helping them to encounter Christ through the Scriptures and Archaeology, and making hospitality the trademark of the Magdala Center.

Kathleen Nichols: American, 31 years of consecration, she guides pilgrim groups to have a deeper spiritual experience; with her staff and backpack, she carries out the program of virtual pilgrimages bringing the land of the Bible to all those who cannot come to visit us.

She also directs and coordinates the international women’s encounter inspired by Mary Magdalene, apostle to the apostles.

Despite the great difficulties facing the Holy Land, in this last month we have rejoiced at the arrival of a new consecrated woman in Magdala who, trustingly and generously, begins to carry out her mission here. She introduces herself:

My name is Cecile Martin-Houlgatte, I have been consecrated for 32 years, and I am from Paris, France. During those years I have had the joy of serving in Mexico, Spain, the United States, Switzerland, France, Italy and what I love most about those places are the encounters with people and seeing how God reveals himself with tenderness in any environment. I have worked in various fields, family, youth, and lately in the world of arts, which has always been familiar to me, since my youth in Paris. Now in the Holy Land I am going to collaborate with the pastoral care of pilgrims, and in projects that will be born from the situation we are living here. Also from this fascinating place I will continue to make art and collaborate in the art-spirituality dialogue. I allow myself to entrust my new mission in the Holy Land to your prayers. Thank you!

Jerusalem Headquarters:

Silvia Holgado: Spanish, consecrated for 24 years, she was drawn to Jerusalem by the Gospels of Jesus and initially came to study biblical theology. She now leads the Pastoral Care of Notre Dame Center, coordinating spiritual and liturgical support for pilgrims, as well as various activities that deepen the understanding of Jerusalem, the person of Christ, and the birth of the Church.

Bianca de Mattos: Brazilian, 29 years old consecrated in the RC. After finishing her studies in theology, she arrived as the person in charge of the Shroud Exhibition and the activities that revolve around this exhibition at the Pontifical Institute NDC. She provides pastoral care for Portuguese-speaking pilgrims and is also responsible for making the Community of Consecrated Women of the Holy Land visible to the world through social media.

Anne-Marie Terrenoir: French, consecrated for 18 years, and the youngest member of our team, she is currently studying for a Licentiate in Biblical and Archaeological Theology at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. For years, she has collaborated in the Ministry of Youth and Adolescents at the Notre Dame Center, offering biblical formation and catechesis. She also contributes to the adult Bible study group.