Promotion of marriage and the family
We support works, institutions, sections and actions that promote marriage and the family, as well as the Christian formation of adults.
Their apostolate

Amélie Perroy
Amélie Perroy, from France, has been consecrated for 30 years and resides in the community of Paris. After almost 20 years serving in Regnum Christi schools in various countries, Mexico, Venezuela, Switzerland and the Philippines, she is currently involved in the pastoral ministry of adults through “Dieu et Famille”, facilitating prayer groups and spiritual accompaniment in their vocation and journey with God.

Elvira Hernández
Elvira Hernández Nuño, a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi comes from a Mexican family of eight siblings, three of whom are consecrated. She has a degree in Education and Development from the Anahuac University and in Religious Sciences from the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum. She is currently studying for a master’s degree in Marriage and Family. During the last thirteen years, she has worked in family ministry in Mexico, Italy and, currently, Venezuela, as director of the womens’ section of Regnum Christi in Caracas.

Esther García
Esther Garcia, a Spaniard, has been consecrated for 43 years and lives in Madrid. She has been serving as a formator of Consecrated Women for more than 30 years and after finishing her degree in Marriage and Family at the John Paul II, she felt a desire in her heart to share what she had learned with others. Currently, she is part of the commission for the area of marriage and family in Spain and is launching an apostolate called Sponsus.
Together with the Church, we, as Consecrated Women, are aware that marriage and the family represent one of the most precious gifts of humanity. We offer formation and accompaniment for the evangelization of the family, such as retreats, seminars, courses and the opportunity to participate as a family in evangelization missions.