Promoting the works of mercy

This field of apostolate promotes actions, works or institutions where Consecrated Women serve the disadvantaged and those with limited economic opportunities, such as the pastoral care of the sick, imprisoned, etc.

Their apostolate

Luciana Bandeira

Luciana Bandeira is Brazilian and joined Regnum Christi in 2004. She worked in Brasília, in Rome and since 2018 she has been in São Paulo, where she is currently in charge of the ongoing formation of the Consecrated Women in the territory of Brazil, works in youth ministry, and is a sociology teacher at Mano Amiga College. Luciana works and coordinates Cristo da Rua, “Christ of the Street”, which is an apostolate of Regnum Christi that seeks to bring affection, dignity and hope to people living on the street, through ongoing visits. The objective of the apostolate is to bring the love of Christ to people and promote the dignity of the human person; going out to meet people, getting to know them, calling them by name and creating bonds of friendship.

Consecrated Women seek to carry out the command of Jesus to love one’s neighbor and help them in their concrete needs, promoting works or institutions that serve disadvantaged people and those with limited economic opportunities, such as the pastoral care of the sick, imprisoned, and activities that promote the dignity of each person.

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Luciana Bandeira




To train young people, to respect the dignity of the person, encountering each person with esteem.





Love and care 

The focus is on welcoming people through friendship and not only offering material support.





Respect for each person

They respect the freedom, will and time of each person.






Fostering generosity 

Any young person over 18 years of age who wants to participate can be a volunteer, as long as they agree with the objectives and principles of the apostolate. Its open to young Catholics, but also to those of other religions or those who do not profess any creed.





Walking alongside the volunteers and people they serve as Christ would if he were walking the streets.