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Church-a-thon Memories


Dear Friends in Christ,

Hope this note finds each of you well. Saturday’s Marian Church-a-thon was awesome and I want to thank all of you for joining us in prayer and for sending me your intentions.

Really, for me it is kind of like a daylong walking retreat as we carry all of your needs to the many holy sites of the Eternal City. It is truly an honor for me to share in your own faith journey and the many needs of each of your families in this way. Our Lady Blessed us with a good day (only rained on us briefly twice) and the 28 of us visited 25 churches over the span of about 14 hours, stopping to pray for about fifteen minutes in each one.

The journey was full of graces for me as well and I am hoping to put a full report together soon with pictures and details about our journey, but since my final exams start tomorrow I think I will need to wait on that until they are over (prayer please…). However, I don’t want to leave you all hanging too long so below is a link to a photo album I made on Facebook that you can access publicly whether you use Facebook or not so that you can see some snap shots of our journey.

I hope to have a more complete summary for you all soon. In the meantime count on my daily prayers and sacrifices for your intentions and may Our Blessed Mother watch over each of you in these last days of Her month. Blessings from Rome…

In Christ,
Br Ryan Carlin, LC