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Meet the Renewal Delegates 9: Cindy Chauvin, Baton Rouge Louisiana

CindyRegnum Christi is an amazing gift to our family! Guy, also in Regnum Christi, and I have been married for 26 years and are blessed with 5 children, 2 daughters-in-law, and 2 grandsons. Our children still reap blessings from K4J, Challenge, Conquest, and ECYD; and, our daughter Hannah is currently serving in DC as a Mission Corps volunteer. We have lived actively in our vibrant parish of St. John the Evangelist in Prairieville, Louisiana, for 23 years. Currently, I serve as section director in Baton Rouge Louisinana, and have previously served as team leader, facilitator in Familia, and director in K4J. I can’t imagine our family life apart from Regnum Christi, nor would I desire to entertain this idea.

God introduced me to Regnum Christi in 1998 through several members who were living witnesses to its beautiful charism. I was attracted to and nourished by their joy and love for Christ. On the Feast of Christ the King, 2003, I incorporated. Because I had waited to confirm it was indeed Christ calling, I’ve always felt grounded in my vocation. After the news broke about our founder, I had a special encounter with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. He gave me the grace to know that I was totally free to choose my next step. It was a profound moment of silence and respect for my free will that I will never forget. “To whom shall I go?” was my response. My decision was easy: if the call was from Christ, why leave? The Holy See’s continual support validated for me that Christ wants Regnum Christi. This is His gift for the Church! I continue to wholeheartedly embrace with joy the responsibility that is mine as bearer of His gift!

Before the renewal began, I felt apprehensive. We were struggling and had failed… a lot. I wondered how effective this would be, but God has shown me that because we are His, He will renew us – and He is! Personally, I have experienced more deeply Christ’s mercy, compassion, and very generous love. Also born is the fruit of a deeper, richer communion among us: the laity, the Legionaries and the Consecrated. A family that suffers together, prays together, and invests much together will indeed experience deeper bonds of love. I am very grateful for the steadfast encouragement and support from our beloved Legionaries and Consecrated. The family spirit manifested at our October 2014 convention, for me, was one of the first-fruits experienced together as family. That fruit has fed my soul and given me a glimpse of greater things in store. God is doing something very beautiful!

To be part of this historic moment in the life of Regnum Christi within the universal Church and to serve as delegate for the Baton Rouge locality is both exciting and humbling. Please pray for each of us to be open instruments through which the Holy Spirit will reveal clearly God’s will for our family. I will continue to pray for the same spirit of openness and responsiveness in all of you.